


瓜帅接受Catalunya Ràdio的专访谈第一次见到梅西的印象😋




【"Ja m'havia dit algú del planter que al planter n'hi havia un de molt bo. Em van dir que era molt petit, però que fotia molts gols i driblava molt bé. Jo no el coneixia i un dia el vaig veure amb el seu pare en una botiga de Nike al Prat. El vaig veure petit i tímid i vaig pensar: aquest és aquell tan bo que diuen? Però nosaltres vam començar una temporada a Escòcia, guanyàvem 1-6, 0-5... i ell et fotia tres gols. Vaig pensar que amb ell ho guanyaríem tot."】 

 "I had already been told by someone from the squad that there was a very good player in the squad. They told me that he was very young but scored many goals and he was very good. I did not know him and one day I saw him and his father at a Nike store el Prat. I saw him, he looked small and shy, and I thought:'Is this one as good as they say?'
But we started pre-season in Scotland, we won 6-1, 5-0 and he would score three goals a game for you. I thought that, with him, we would win everything." 




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